The Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU Prof. Mgr. Petr Páta, Ph.D. awarded the Dean’s Award for a prestigious dissertation thesis to Dr. Jan Fait on March 10. The topic of the dissertation is Fabrication and characterization of diamond photonic structures. The supervisor was Prof. Bohuslav Rezek from the Department of Physics and supervisor specialist Dr. Lukáš Ondič from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The research was conducted in a close cooperation between the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Institute of Physics.
Jan Fait studies photonic structures that serve to achieve maximal detection efficiency of photons emitted by color centers in diamond. These centers have a number of interesting features that find use in quantum communication, sensorics or biomedicine. Maximized detection of photons is crucial for these applications. Jan Fait focuses both on the optimization of photonic structures and on new methods of their fabrication using a thin layer of amorphous silicon. The results of the work were published in scientific journals with significant number of citations and presented at international conferences. The dissertation is available for view on Dspace ČVUT.