We conduct research in the fields of plasma physics, materials, sensors, biomedicine, acoustics, and environmental science through experiments, measurements, and advanced computational and simulation methods. In our research, we closely collaborate with the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University (CTU), institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and numerous international institutions, laboratories, and companies around the world.
We work on national and international research projects with the support of grant agencies such as GAČR, TAČR, and the EU. We are part of the Research Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics at CTU. Additionally, we contribute to major research projects focused on cutting-edge research in ‘Energy Conversion and Storage’ (ECoStor) and ‘Sensors and Detectors for the Information Society’ (SenDISo) within the OPJAK program of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports.
Our work is widely cited, recognized by editors, mentioned in the media, awarded at conferences, and featured on the covers of scientific journals. We have also opened a new Reference Laboratory for Correlative Microscopy (tacom.fel.cvut.cz) at the department, designed for broad developmental and application use in collaboration with both academic and industrial sectors.
We are currently focusing on the following areas of research.
- Diagnostic methods for the study of high-energy discharges and fusion plasma. Experimental and theoretical research on fast deuterons, fusion neutrons, and runaway electrons.
- Dielectric barrier and corona discharges as sources of active particles and electromagnetic waves in selected frequency bands.
- Influence on the growth and function of microorganisms using electric discharges, nanomaterials, organic substances, and their combinations. Biosensors for medical applications utilizing nanomaterials.
- Nanomaterials, microscopy, and spectroscopy for energy conversion and storage.
- Development of satellite components and measurement methods for testing materials, sensors, and detectors for space applications, including data processing from measurements directly in orbit.
- Acoustic metamaterials, sonic and phononic crystals, acoustic and elastic waves in heterogeneous environments, sound generation by flowing fluids, and acoustic parametric antennas. Applications of acoustics for discharge stabilization, noise reduction, analysis of insect communication, and cardiovascular system diagnostics.
- Development of electrotechnical methods (hardware/software) for analyzing eye movements, electrotherapy, material diagnostics, sensors, and other practical applications.